All About Sale-to-List Price Ratios in Pinergy

A sold listing’s sale-to-list price ratio indicates how much above or below asking price was realized. These ratios for sales in an area can help you gauge how much price negotiation room there may be for other properties in the area. The Total Sold Market Statistics report (available in Tools > Market Reports) displays SP:LP Ratio for groups of sold listings. The Area Market Reviews (available in Tools > Area Market Reviews) show Average Sale Price as % of List Price for groups of sold listings. Sale-to-List Ratio displays for individual sold listings in the Market Information section of the Full Report and in the Listing Details section of the Data View. You also can add (and sort by) the Sale to List column in Pinergy’s “line view” summaries in Search Results, and you can add Sale to List to your custom downloads as well. And remember that you can save your customized summary views and customized download layouts for convenience. Sale-to-list price ratios can help you evaluate the strength of the market, so be sure to review them when you’re working with sales in Pinergy!