Exciting News - Listing Carts in Pinergy Now Available!

Pinergy’s latest feature, listing carts, makes it wicked easy to set aside specific listings for later use. You can select listings from virtually anywhere in Pinergy (Contacts, Listings, Search, Map Search, CMA, Property History, Hot Sheets, and Carts) and then place those listings into a cart for future reference. You can load selected listings from a cart in Pinergy’s CMA. You also can click the Carts icon in Pinergy’s navigation bar to work with a cart directly, having the same options found in Pinergy’s Search Results (Stats, View, Email, Print, PDF, Map, Recommend, Download, Directions, and Cloud CMA) plus additional options for removing listings from a cart and adding listings to another cart. You’ll be able to keep up to 100 carts, each containing up to 500 listings, and you’ll be able to rename, delete, or empty any cart. So, whenever you need to keep track of one or more listings, put them into a listing cart!